
The Francis Peyre Porcher Papers, 1844-1895, document primarily the professional activities of Francis Peyre Porcher, physician of Charleston, South Carolina. It includes Porcher’s lecture, class, and research notes on materia medica, botany, and pharmacy compiled over his career in support of his medical teaching responsibilities and the publication of his book, Resources of the Southern Fields and Forests. Also included are personal letters to and from members of the Leigh, Porcher, and Wickham families from 1846 to 1862. Of particular interest are letters from Francis Peyre Porcher to his first wife Virginia ‘Jennie’ Leigh Porcher written from camp in Virginia between 1862 and 1863. In these, Porcher relates news of his advancement through the office of the Surgeon General, of living and working conditions in camp, and of family news and affections. Dr. Porcher’s travel diary from 1852 to 1854 document his travels in Europe. Porcher’s notes, arranged alphabetically, includes notes for classroom instruction in the areas of materia medica and therapeutics. Files include handwritten notes, clippings, sketches, prescriptions, sources, and notes for publications.