Collection Policy


Collections from non-profit cultural heritage organizations including libraries, historical societies, museums, archives and educational institutions will be included in SCDL based on the criteria outlined below. Other non-profit organizations with unique digital materials relating to South Carolina history and culture may submit collections for consideration as well.

  • Collection should be housed in and a part of a cultural heritage institution in South Carolina. SCDL cannot accept personal collections.
  • Collections and/or materials should be in the public domain or permission to digitize the collection must have been granted.
  • Content of proposed collections should be of interest to South Carolina educators and learners, in accordance with the mission of the SCDL.
  • Material should be unique and not available through other SCDL participants or in other collections on the Internet.
  • Collections and materials should support the educational, recreational, and information needs of the people of South Carolina.
  • Metadata and Digitization must conform to the SCDL Guidelines. Please speak with your regional contact to confirm that this is the case.
  • By adding materials to SCDL, your institution also agrees to have them added to the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA). Please let your regional contact know if you have questions about this.


SCDL does not claim ownership of materials (i.e. metadata and images) in the portal, but operates under the principle of “shared access, local ownership” with ownership remaining with the originating institution. Institutions may request that their materials be removed from the portal or web site at anytime. Owners of collections included in the portal agree to defend and hold SCDL harmless from any claims or damages which may result from users who download or otherwise use data from the portal or website in violation of an owner’s rights under state or federal law.

All metadata made available by the DPLA is done so under the Creative Commons Zero (CC0) Public Domain Dedication.

Accuracy of Data

Responsibility for accuracy of data, facts, and information rests with the institution distributing the digital content. SCDL does not warrant any information on the SCDL web site. SCDL recommends all sites have an online means of collecting information regarding the content accuracy and a policy for site review and revision.

Removal of Material from South Carolina Digital Library

Content may be removed from the SCDL for one or more of the following reasons:

  • Content is not consistently available and/or reliable
  • Presentation of inaccurate data, facts, or information
  • Demonstrated violation of copyright laws
  • Website or content is no longer publicly viewable at no cost


The South Carolina Digital Library (SCDL) is a collaborative effort that includes South Carolina’s schools, libraries, archives, museums, and other cultural heritage institutions. SCDL’s mission is to encourage our collaborators to create, maintain, and promote digital collections that represent South Carolina’s historical and cultural resources while following state-level guidelines that are based on national standards and best practices. SCDL intends to be the model for other institutions digitizing materials in the state, and will strive to provide the knowledge, resources, and capacity necessary for those institutions to complete their digital projects. SCDL also seeks to enhance the overall education and scholarship of South Carolina’s citizens by coordinating free and unlicensed access to these digital collections through a central web presence.


The intended audience of SCDL is the collection of the citizens of South Carolina, students, lifelong learners, scholars, researchers, state and federal government, the business community, and hobbyists.

NOTICE: The SCDL platform will be UNAVAILABLE on July 27, 7AM-7PM due to planned IT maintenance at the College of Charleston.