Browse SCDL Collections

New! Collection Discovery Tool

Browse SCDL collections through a new, faceted catalog interface with dynamically updating results and infinite scrolling. Give it a shot!

Browse Institutions

institutionthChoose this option to view the collections of the public libraries, colleges, universities, museums, archives, and other cultural heritage institutions that have contributed their material to the South Carolina Digital Library.


Browse Time Periods

timelinethBrowse our collections using the fifteen different time periods with which we have divided up South Carolina history!



Browse Media Types

imagesthThis browse option categorizes collections by their media type. The media types included are images, audio, sheet music, manuscripts, maps, newspapers, and objects.


Browse Geography

countythChoose this option to view a county map of South Carolina. When you find your county, click on it and collection information for your county will appear. Also available through here is our regional map.


Browse All Collections

allcollectionsTake a look at all of the collections included in the South Carolina Digital Library in alphabetical order. SCDL currently contains 174 total collections.

NOTICE: The SCDL platform will be UNAVAILABLE on July 27, 7AM-7PM due to planned IT maintenance at the College of Charleston.