Levi L. Kibler Letters Received


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The Levi Kibler Letters Received, 1844 and undated, consist of two items: a handwritten letter to Dr. Kibler from Dr. M. R. King of New York and an undated letter written by an unknown author. The first letter, 1844, is a request for payment for dental instruments and filling materials which had been sent to Dr. Kibler. The second is a letter from a medical professional reporting on his examination of Dr. Kibler’s sister-in-law who suffered from “inflammation of the pleura and bronchials.” The author proceeds to recommend blood letting and cupping, as well as a number of medicines including mercury, opium, and others. He gives advice on diet as well.

Levi L. Kibler was born in Newberry District on January 15, 1811 and died in Newberry County on August 14, 1895. He was granted a license to practice medicine in 1835 by the Medical Society of South Carolina. He practiced medicine in the area of Prosperity, South Carolina.