Horlbeck Brothers Records, 1824-1860


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The Horlbeck Brothers Records, 1824-1860, collection contains a daybook, cashbook and ledger associated with the architectural firm H. Horlbeck and Brothers, which includes Henry (1800-1872), Daniel, Edward (1809-1893), and John Horlbeck (1817-1892). Contained in these books are lists of work done for private, commercial, municipal, religious, and institutional clients, noting client’s name and/or street address, type of remodeling, repair or construction done, and number of employees and types of materials used. Buildings and structures worked on by laborers described as white and “negroe” include the Market, Jail, Workhouse, Guard House, Military Hall, various banks, a firehouse, the Fireproof Building, St. Michael’s church, the Jewish synagogue, the German Friendly Society Hall, as well as work completed for dozens of various persons, including “colored” men and women.


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