Philip Simmons (1912-2009) was an African American blacksmith and artisan specializing in the craft of ironwork in Charleston, South Carolina. Simmons spent seventy-seven years crafting utilitarian and ornamental ironwork. His work is recognized within the state of South Carolina, nationally, and internationally. This collection, donated by the Philip Simmons Foundation, holds personal papers with photographs …
The Civic Services Committee (CSC) (1942-1946) was the predecessor body to Historic Charleston Foundation. It was formed by the Carolina Art Association to address the need for architectural preservation and to implement city planning in response to growth. The Committee received grants from the Rockefeller Foundation and Carnegie Corporation, which were used to retain Frederick …
Architectural drawings from the firm of Albert Simons and Samuel Lapham. Includes measured drawings of a country club in Ohio by Samuel Lapham; designs of the Ashley River Memorial Bridge; sculpture pedestals for the Gibbes Museum of Art; sundials, and garden plans.
A Charlestonian who attended both the College of Charleston and the School of Architecture of the University of Pennsylvania, Joseph Mordecai Hirschmann practiced architecture with the New York firm of Walker and Gillette. His architectural training induced a special interest in old world buildings, and on his European holidays in 1924 and 1927 he made …