E. Don Herd created these negatives while a student at Belton High School, Belton, S.C. and a few later while at Erskine College. Subjects include Belton and Easley high schools athletic teams, clubs, class officers, and homecoming. Community life is also exhibited through negatives of the Belton City Council, businesses, churches, weddings, reunions, portraits, Christmas …
The Dreamkeepers Collection contains photographs of some of the most significant African-Americans in Georgetown County, including Joseph H. Rainey, the first African-American to serve in the United States Congress. Founded in 1978, the Committee for African American History Observances (CAAHO)
This collection contains diaries, travelogues, ledgers, correspondence, inventories, plats, sketches, architectural drawings of Charles Drayton III and others, relating mainly to affairs at Drayton Hall and other family plantations. Collection also includes artwork, reflections on eighteenth century literature, deeds, newspaper clippings and photographs.
The Georgetown County Hurricane Collection exhibits photographs that record the many hurricanes that have impacted coastal South Carolina. Hurricane Hazel (1954) and Hurricane Hugo (1989) were two of the most powerful storms that impacted South Carolina. These photographs document the devastation and the impact of these two hurricanes that will never be forgotten by the …
This growing collection currently includes all the Bonhomie yearbooks from 1901-current and selected Entre Nous yearbooks from 1911-1932. Browse by Title: Furman University Bonhomie Yearbooks Greenville Woman’s College Entre Nous Yearbooks
View issues of the Furman University student publication The Furman Hornet (1916 – 1961) and The Paladin (1961-current). Browse by Title: The Furman Hornet The Furman Paladin
Fritz Hollings: In His Own Words is a collection of Senator Hollings’ writings, speeches, photographs, and audio files from his days as Lt. Governor, Governor, and U.S. Senator. 200 items showcase the compelling intellect, keen wit, and, at times, sharp tongue that Senator Hollings was known for in South Carolina and on Capitol Hill.
Housed in the Archives of the Chester County Historical Society, the Henry O. Nichols collection contains an estimated 250,000(+) images taken by Mr. Nichols (1900–1991) over a span of 79 years (1911–1990). The Collection depicts images of everyday life, from birth to death, in and around Chester County, South Carolina as well as examples of …
This photograph collection is a small portion of USC Aiken’s historical Gregg-Graniteville Archive of documents and memorabilia of the Graniteville Company, a major Southern textile manufacturing firm founded in 1845 by William Gregg. The archive represents the only collection in existence devoted to William Gregg and the Graniteville Company. It was developed over the years …