One of a number of versions, the 1669 Fundamental Constitutions was a theoretical instrument of rule. These documents, attributed to the young philosopher John Locke, provided for a feudal system in the new colony, with colonial nobility carrying hereditary titles such as “cacique” and “landgrave,” and the eight proprietors forming the highest level of rule. …
John West served his state and nation well as a soldier during World War II, as a member of the South Carolina Senate, as Lieutenant Governor, as Governor, and as United States Ambassador to Saudi Arabia during the administration of President Jimmy Carter. Returning from Saudi Arabia, West practiced law, lectured on government and the …
Over the course of his twenty year career in South Carolina politics, including an unprecedented six years as governor, Robert McNair led South Carolina in an era of prosperity and carefully guided the Palmetto State through the turbulent 1960s, a period of profound social upheaval and change. Digitized here are speeches, correspondence, clippings, and photographs …
This collection of audio clips highlights Dorn’s career of service to South Carolina and the nation. Through his pleasing Southern drawl, Dorn draws in his audiences with warmth and passion. The collection is composed of various speeches from the campaign trail and addresses to the American Legion. Additional clips are excerpts from his 1980 and …