
This collection includes the Revolutionary War papers of John Paul Grimke and his son John Faucheraud Grimke, with materials regarding the latter as intendant (mayor) of Charleston. The papers of his son Thomas Smith Grimke document temperance, politics and education and also contain an autograph collection. With papers of Thomas’s siblings Frederick Grimke, abolitionists Sarah Moore Grimke and Angelina Grimke Weld and others.
Related Terms:
- College of Charleston
- Manuscripts
Media Types:
SC Counties:
- Colonial Period (1670 - 1764),
- Colonial Unrest, American Revolution, & New Republic (1765 - 1789),
- Early Republic & War of 1812 (1790 - 1815),
- The Antebellum South (1816 - 1860),
- U.S. Civil War (1861 - 1865),
- Reconstruction (1866 - 1877),
- Industry & the Gilded Age (1878 - 1889),
- Turn of the Century (1890 - 1913)