This collection is comprised of all things Pinopolis (documents, photographs, and ephemera).The records of St. John’s Baptist Church in Pinopolis from 1851-1890 are the first addition to this collection.
The South Carolina Dental Association was established in 1869. Among its early purposes was to advocate against quack dental practitioners who lured clients with deceptive advertising. In 1875, the SCDA achieved passage in the SC General Assembly of the state’s first dental practice act which called for the election of a board of examiners authorized …
The MUSC Bulletin is an official publication of the Medical University of South Carolina primarily for students. Beginning in 1825 as a simple list of Medical College students, graduates, and faculty, the Bulletin expanded over time to include additional information about the curriculum, facilities, hospital access and privileges, fees, and admission and graduation requirements. Over …
The Pinckney Family Papers, 1708-1847, collection consists of two bound volumes kept by members or for members of the Pinckney family. Several members of the Pinckney family have been distinguished for service to South Carolina and the United States. Eliza Lucas Pinckney helped make indigo a major cash crop; she was the mother of two …
The Charleston Dental Association was first organized in December 1867 at the office of Dr. J. B. Patrick, Sr. on Society Street in Charleston “for the advancement of our Profession and to engender …good fellowship.” The first dental association in the state, the group met monthly to demonstrate new techniques, discuss current practices and socialize. …
The Sarah Campbell Allan, M.D., Papers, 1895-1954, include a letter from John Gary Evans, Governor of South Carolina, offering her a position at the South Carolina State Lunatic Asylum; a copy of her will and other estate papers; her 1900 diary, kept while working at the South Carolina State Hospital and a typescript of the …
The Mulberry Plantation Journals, 1853-1908 (bulk 1853-1889) collection is comprised of four bound journals containing records of Mulberry Plantation in Berkeley County, South Carolina kept by plantation owners John B. Milliken, Thomas Milliken and overseers C.A. Ward and R. Meynardie. Volume One kept by Thomas Milliken between 1853-1858, reports activities on the rice plantation such …
The Cote Bas and Mepkin Plantation Journals, 1865-1877 is comprised of four volumes written by Peter Gourdin that includes data for planting, personal information and clippings. The son of Samuel and Mary Gourdin, Peter Gourdin lived at Buck then Cote Bas Plantation and later settled at Mepkin Plantation with his wife, Constantia Harleston Moultrie Gourdin, …
This collection consists of plantation account books, medical journals, medical account books, a time book and letters for Dr. Arthur Belin Flagg and Dr. Joshua John Ward Flagg for plantations in Georgetown County, South Carolina between the years 1792-1926. The medical journals and medical account books had been used to record the medical treatment and …
The Agricultural Experiments and South Mulberry Plantation Journal, 1841-1907 (bulk 1841-1867) collection contains a bound journal kept by Sandford William Barker at South Mulberry Plantation in Berkeley County, South Carolina, which Barker acquired through his marriage to Christiana Constantia Broughton in 1835. A graduate of the Medical College of South Carolina as well as a …