The South Carolina Dental Association was established in 1869. Among its early purposes was to advocate against quack dental practitioners who lured clients with deceptive advertising. In 1875, the SCDA achieved passage in the SC General Assembly of the state’s first dental practice act which called for the election of a board of examiners authorized …
The Pee Dee District Dental Society Records, 1933-1988, consist of one volume of recorded minutes, treasurer’s reports, membership records, and added correspondence and newspaper clippings which document the society’s activities. Included are summaries of papers and discussions presented to the society at its regular meetings. Membership lists and financial documentation are recorded. Actions taken by …
The South Carolina Speech-Language-Hearing Association (SCSHA) is a professional association for Audiologists (AUDs), Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs), and Speech-Language Pathology Assistants (SLPAs). The professionals that are members of SCSHA provide speech, language, hearing, and swallowing evaluations and interventions that improve the lives of individuals with communication and swallowing disorders. The purpose of the organization is to …
The iconic Babcock Building, part of the campus of the South Carolina State Hospital on Bull Street, opened its doors in 1885. The design follows a modified “Kirkbride Plan” in which wards were staggered to allow for increased natural light and improved ventilation. The Babcock Building’s red cupola became a symbol of the mental health …
The Sarah Campbell Allan, M.D., Papers, 1895-1954, include a letter from John Gary Evans, Governor of South Carolina, offering her a position at the South Carolina State Lunatic Asylum; a copy of her will and other estate papers; her 1900 diary, kept while working at the South Carolina State Hospital and a typescript of the …
This collection from the Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary located in Columbia, S.C., includes photographs, correspondence and documents that document its history and growth.
For residents of Columbia and the many communities throughout the state, the 2015 flood was much more than statistics suggest. The oral histories in this collection begin to humanize the experience of the flood, as residents confronted loss and destruction of homes and businesses, and found support and resilience within their communities. Those willing to …
The oral history interviews in this collection seek to tell the story of Lt. Col. James H. Davis and his brother, John Sherwood Davis, by sharing recollections and experiences of those who knew or served with them. Family members, college friends, and fellow Marines have been interviewed, and those interviews form the foundation of ongoing …
This collection from the Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary located in Columbia, S.C., includes photographs, correspondence and documents that document its history and growth.
Kline Iron and Steel Company (1923-2003), known for its high quality products and services, had a reciprocal reputation of loyalty and respect between employees and owners. Through the thirty-plus oral history interviews in this collection, narrators share their stories of family, community, friendship, and work. As recalled by many, working with Kline was like being …