Andrews, with the assistance of some of his fellow soldiers, recalls the Company’s combat experiences during the second Battle of Bull Run, Virginia (1862; also called Second Manassas) and the siege of Petersburg, Virginia (1864-1865), as well as his own capture and imprisonment at Point Lookout Prison Camp for Confederates in Maryland following the Battle …
This group of 74 stereographs contains images of the damage to Charleston during the Civil War, along with images of Folly and Port Royal Islands. Forts, churches, hospitals and headquarters come to life in these photographs taken by war photographers such as Samuel A. Cooley and John P. Soule. Spanning both the period of the …
This collection is a selection of items including photographs, postcards, pamphlets, newspaper articles, and letters that describe experiences of World War I soldiers in the Spartanburg area. Most items are about Camp Wadsworth and included are a map, materials from the Camp library, and images from the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers. There is a …
Methods of transportation from Greenville’s past.
Union postmaster Joseph H. Sears published the New South newspaper out of the post office building on Union Square in Port Royal, S.C., on a weekly basis beginning in March 1862. The paper was moved to the town of Beaufort sometime in 1865 and remained there until it ceased in 1867. The New South offers …
“The Lucille Hasell Culp Collection – A Celebration of Beaufort, South Carolina” contains a selection of 300 images, primarily photographic negatives, from the much larger Lucille Hasell Culp Collection. Here one finds selected images of enduring historical value to Beaufort, such as those relating to community and military events, built structures that are no longer …
This collection of audio clips highlights Dorn’s career of service to South Carolina and the nation. Through his pleasing Southern drawl, Dorn draws in his audiences with warmth and passion. The collection is composed of various speeches from the campaign trail and addresses to the American Legion. Additional clips are excerpts from his 1980 and …
The Wilkinson-Keith Family Papers consist of correspondence and other documents among the Wilkinson, Keith, Siegling, Haskell, and Marshall families and their friends dating from 1785 to 1920. The bulk of the correspondence dates from 1820 to 1890, a large portion of which chronicles Willis Keith’s experiences as a Confederate soldier in 1862-1863. Antebellum correspondence discusses …
With funding provided by the National Library of Medicine’s Express Library Digitization Award program, The Waring Library has scanned and transcribed 133 of its inaugural medical theses, for the period of 1825-1829. The 1,858 inaugural medical theses in the collection of the Waring Historical Library are, in the words of eminent medical historian John Harley …