
This collection includes indexes and finding aids for historical and genealogical information pertaining to Columbia, Richland County, and the Midlands. In addition, Local History staff maintain a guide to relevant subject indexes and finding aids available both from Richland Library as well as from other institutions focusing on local history and genealogy in the area. As more indexes and finding aids are created or found, they will be added to this guide.
Related Terms:
- Richland Library
- Documents
Media Types:
- Richland County
SC Counties:
- Reconstruction (1866 - 1877),
- Industry & the Gilded Age (1878 - 1889),
- Turn of the Century (1890 - 1913),
- World War I (1914 - 1918),
- Jazz Age (1919 - 1929),
- Great Depression (1930 - 1938),
- World War II (1939 - 1945),
- Post-War America (1946 - 1954),
- Civil Rights Era (1955 - 1969),
- The Modern State (1970 - present)