Media Type: Books

Lincoln High School Collection

With its roots in the nineteenth century, Lincoln High School served generations of African American students in Sumter, South Carolina. In 1874, the Lincoln School became the first school for African Americans in Sumter, serving students of all ages. During the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the school was housed in a series of buildings, including …

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The Powderhorn

The Powderhorn was a bi-yearly magazine written and edited by students intended to replace the Carolana yearbook, which had seen a steady decline in interest from students willing to generate content and publish a traditional yearbook each year. In fact, the Carolana yearbook publication lapsed for seven years, from 1982 to 1989, and only published …

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Williams Furniture Company Collection

This collection contains photographs, contracts, sales catalogs and other items pertaining to the Williams Furniture Company of Sumter, S.C. and its consolidated corporations. From 1932 to 2004, the Williams Furniture Company was a unionized plant located in Sumter, S.C. which produced furniture and related wood products for the national market. The company operated under multiple …

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Greenville History and Genealogy eBooks

Collection of eBooks related to local history and genealogy.

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Tourism Publications

This collection includes pamphlets, brochures, and souvenir booklets that feature historic buildings, landmarks, historic sites, and other points of interest. Many include Charleston history, narrative descriptions properties, photographs, and other illustrations. The collection spans 1890-1940.

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John F. Riley Papers, 1849-1855

Collection consists of papers, including a handwritten “Journal” [diary], exercises, and lecture notes written by physician, J.F.R. The diary commences at New Orleans, Louisiana and includes entries about classes, students, and faculty at the medical department of the University of Louisiana. In May 1853 the author became the medical officer on the steamer Falcon and …

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Flagg Family Papers, 1832-1926

This collection consists of plantation account books, medical journals, medical account books, a time book and letters for Dr. Arthur Belin Flagg and Dr. Joshua John Ward Flagg for plantations in Georgetown County, South Carolina between the years 1792-1926. The medical journals and medical account books had been used to record the medical treatment and …

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Business Guide of Charleston, SC

Directory of local businesses of all sorts. Published by Cooke, Howard & Co. (Baltimore, Md.), ca. 1889. Advertisements interspersed throughout, many of which are illustrated. Business types include bakers and confectioners, barbers, blacksmiths, building materials, butchers, contractors and builders, cigars and tobacco, groceries, furniture, hotels, insurance, house furnishings, painters, plumbers, railroad companies, restaurants, sailmakers, tailors, …

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Art Work of Charleston: Published in Twelve Parts

A twelve-part, mostly pictorial publication about Charleston and the vicinity.  Distributed throughout the parts is an essay describing Charleston’s history and development.  The photographs feature buildings, residences, churches, street views, river views, historic gardens, cemeteries, railroad structures, phosphate mining activity, and wharves.  Published in 1893 by W. H. Parish (Chicago, Illinois).

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Architecture Publications

About the Collection This collection features publications related to architecture, including Charleston architecture. Additional works may be added in the future. See also the White Pine Series of Architectural Monographs Collection.

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