With its roots in the nineteenth century, Lincoln High School served generations of African American students in Sumter, South Carolina. In 1874, the Lincoln School became the first school for African Americans in Sumter, serving students of all ages. During the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the school was housed in a series of buildings, including …
This collection reflects coursework by students at the University of South Carolina Honors College exploring the 2020 election and civic engagement. Developed in 2019, before the presidential match-up was determined, the course emphasized exploration of all viewpoints and the many ways citizens can engage with their larger community around the political process. Interviewees range in …
This collection was created in May 2020 as a product of a service-learning class taught in the Honors College at the University of South Carolina to document the perspectives and experiences of those impacted in a variety of ways by the COVID-19 pandemic, using oral history skills to tell the stories. The collection includes ten …
This scrapbook, pieced together in the early 1930s by Carolyn Browne Hodges, showcases her time as a student at The University of South Carolina. Inside are pages dedicated to the classes she took, the school-related events she attended, and the memories she made with friends. Above all, Carolyn thoroughly documented what student life was like …
The MUSC Bulletin is an official publication of the Medical University of South Carolina primarily for students. Beginning in 1825 as a simple list of Medical College students, graduates, and faculty, the Bulletin expanded over time to include additional information about the curriculum, facilities, hospital access and privileges, fees, and admission and graduation requirements. Over …
The Board of Trustees files, beginning in 1824, document the administration of the university, hospital, and the six colleges including: actions, budgets, congressional bills, elections, and concerns. The Medical University Board of Trustees Minutes contains information regarding various events within the hospital and the college between 1847 through 2012. The majority of the collection is …
The Sarah Campbell Allan, M.D., Papers, 1895-1954, include a letter from John Gary Evans, Governor of South Carolina, offering her a position at the South Carolina State Lunatic Asylum; a copy of her will and other estate papers; her 1900 diary, kept while working at the South Carolina State Hospital and a typescript of the …
A National Historic Landmark, the Nathaniel Russell House Museum was built and completed in 1808 for Charleston slave merchant Nathaniel Russell, becoming an exemplar of neoclassical architecture in the United States. Historic Charleston Foundation acquired the house in 1955 and has restored the site to its original 1808 appearance using forensic analysis and cutting-edge conservation …
Collection consists of papers, including a handwritten “Journal” [diary], exercises, and lecture notes written by physician, J.F.R. The diary commences at New Orleans, Louisiana and includes entries about classes, students, and faculty at the medical department of the University of Louisiana. In May 1853 the author became the medical officer on the steamer Falcon and …
The Harby Academy Cashbook collection consists of the cashbook kept by Isaac Harby, founder of Harby’s Academy in Charleston, South Carolina. Harby’s Academy was established as a coeducational private academy in Charleston on January 3, 1810. The cashbook contains information for parents with children enrolled at Harby’s Academy. The cashbook includes notes on tuition fees …